A call for STSMs for September 2013 - May 2014 open!
Following the decisions of the MC meeting in Rome, April 12 2013, the STSM evaluating committee opens the new call for two short-term scientific missions which to be realised during the next grant period: June 2013 - May 2014.
As you have been informed, the aim of Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) is to contribute to the scientific objectives of COST Actions. These Missions (Exchange Visits) are aimed at strengthening the existing networks by allowing scientists to go to an institution or laboratory in another COST Country to foster collaboration, to learn a new technique or to take measurements using new tools and/or methods. They are particularly intended for young scientists but well established researchers are also invited for this call.
The STSM applicants should normally be engaged in a programme of research as a postgraduate student or postdoctoral fellow or be employed in an institution of a COST Country having accepted the Memurandum of the Action. This institution should actively participate in the COST Action.
The interested researchers are invited to send their applications for short-term scientific missions not later than August 26, 2013.
Applications must adhere to the COST rules for STSMs, described in the COST Vademecum,
Finally, the applicants must use the on-line registration tool to register their request for an STSM, which you can find at:
The following information has to be encoded with the registration:
1. the Action number: IS1007;
2. the title of the planned STSM;
3. the start and end date;
4. the applicant's details, including key academic details and workplan;
5. the applicant’s bank details;
6. the host institution’s ; 7. financial data (amount for travel and subsistence).
In addition, the following criteria set by MC Committee of COST Action IS1007 are used to assess applications:
• Relevance to Action objectives
• Clarity and quality of proposed visit and work plan
• Anticipated outputs and outcomes in respect to the Action objectives
• Applicant’s CV
• Realistic budget plan
Please, send your applications or questions to the STSM co-ordinator Prof. Assoc. Svetlana Hristova and/or to the COST IS1007 Chair Dr. Katriina Soini.