Action organises a "Cutting-edge research event" in Brussels 14th October
In order to put the significance of culture in sustainable development at the top of the international research agenda, we see the need to elaborate this issue together with the top-level stakeholders, and have organized a cutting-edge research event, The Cultural Dimension of Sustainable Development on the European Research Agenda. This meeting will be held in Brussels (COST Office, Avenue Louise 14)) on November 14 and will gather representatives of relevant organizations across Europe to address the need to create relevant research strategies in the field of culture and sustainability and make use of this research as an added value to European development on a broad scale.
13.30 – 14.00 Coffee
14.00 – 14.05 Welcome Joost Dessein, Vice Chair of the COST Action
14.05 – 14.15 Culture: challenging and contributing to sustainability KatriinaSoini, Chair of the COST Action
14.15 – 14.30 Cutting-edge research directions in the field of culture and sustainability Jasmina Kuka, Chair of the COST Research Strategy Group
14.30 – 14.45 Questions and Discussion
Chair: Joost Dessein
14.45 – 15.00 Relevant research initiatives and activities beyond Europe
Nancy Duxbury, Chair of the COST Policy Working Group
15.00 – 15.40 Current and potential research programmes linked to culture and sustainable development: Opportunity for invitees to briefly discuss funding possibilities
Chair: Joost Dessein
15.40 – 16.00 Concluding remarks
16.00 – 17.00 Cheese and Wine Reception